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Goldkanal  >  News / Newsletter > Legend of the Rangers / 13.6.2001 Bild /pictures/zentral/seitenkopf/design1-middle-middle.jpg Bild /pictures/zentral/seitenkopf/design1-right-middle.jpg

Erster Trailer zu 'Legend of the Rangers'

Gestern wurde während der erneuten Ausstrahlung von "Dune" beim amerikanischen SciFi-Channel ein Link zu einer geheimen Webseite mit dem ersten Trailer zu "Legend of the Rangers" gezeigt. Die Webseite unter ist leider heute früh nicht mehr erreichbar gewesen.

Die Trailer zum am letzten Donnerstag abgedrehten fünften "Babylon 5"-Fernsehfilm gibt es aber dennoch, und zwar als RealVideo-Streams (leider nicht zum Download) unter den folgenden URLs.
RealPlayer 8
56 kBit (Modem/ISDN)
120 kBit
200 kBit
350 kBit (was für eine Auflösung!)
RealPlayer G2
56 kBit (Modem/ISDN)
120 kBit

Eine englische Zusammenfassung (wir werden bei Gelegenheit eine Übersetzung anfertigen), bei der allerdings ziemliche Spoilergefahr besteht, gibt es hier auch, daher etwas


(Soft male voice... I think it's Durlann)
"We a born of the stars."

People (probably the main characters) sitting around a circular table.
"We live in starlight."

Closeup of a female Narn (Na'Feel).
"We die in starlight."

Upper body of a female Minbari with ranger pin (Firell).
"All are one."

Head and chest of G'Kar and a male ranger (David) staning together.
"Sworn in the shok'nar".

Head and chest of male Minbari (Dulann) holding an matt oval circle with a matt star (red center) in it.


Various quick cuts from what looks to be inside the ship. It looks damaged - lots of smoke.


"We recived this recording..."

People manning the controls of a (probably minbari style) ship.

"They found a city... _Billions_ of years old."

Back of head and right shoulder of male Ranger (David). Upper body of G'Kar, holding what is probably a data crystal in his hand in front of him. Cuts to back of G'Kar. Cuts back to the previous angle. (This seems to be in some kind of living quarters, possibly with Narn decor)


"We've got company..."
Kitaro - Head/shoulders.

Someone jumping down a shaft of some kind.


People sitting at the table again. An offscreen explosion pushes them to the right. People falling to the floor in smokefilled room.


(Soft male voice again... probably the same as in the start... Spoken by the male minbari mentioned below.)
"We are Rangers"

People standing in a circle on what looks to be the ship set. They all bow their heads.

"We live for the one"

Head/shoulders of male Minbari (?).

"We die for the one"

Four people standing together - (from left to right) female human (Sarah), male human (?), side shot of male Minbari (the one from the previous cut) holding a box with something shiny in it (a ranger pin?), back of head of a Drazi (Tirk).

Autor: Martin Bahmann

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